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Adobe Purchases Magento with Office in Ukraine

Friday, 25 May 2018 16:30

On May 21, Adobe stated that it reached final agreement on the acquisition of Magento Commerce, the platform for managing online stores. The amount of transaction will be $1.68 bln, taking into account the regular price adjustments, itc.ua reports.

The deal was closed within Q3 2018 FY of Adobe. Before, the regulatory authorities should have ratified this deal, but for now, both companies will continue operating independently of each other.

It is not reported what will be with Magento team after the purchase. However, Adobe assured that the current CEO Mark Lavelle will continue managing the company, which will become the part of Adobe business in terms of digital marketing. He will directly report to Vice President and General Manager of Adobe’s Digital Marketing business Brad Rencher.

For Adobe Digital Cloud, Magento will become the tool of electronic commerce and sorting the orders for physical and digital goods of the company. As reported in the release, Cloud Magento Commerce will allow integrating the commerce into Adobe Experience Cloud, thus ensuring the unified platform, which will serve B2B and B2C clients all over world.

“Adobe is the only company, leading in content creation, marketing, advertising, analytics and now in trade that allows undertaking the whole customer experience in real time”, Brad Rencher commented on the upcoming transaction.

The Magento’s clients include such companies as Canon, Helly, Hansen, Paul Smith, Rosetta Stone, Coca-Cola, Warner Music Group, Nestle and others.

Today, Magento staff comprises up to 500 employees worldwide.

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