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Tesla Ends Second Quarter with Record Losses

Thursday, 02 August 2018 16:10

The company’s losses are mainly related to the investments in new models, in particular, Tesla Model 3 electric sedan.

U.S. company Tesla reported its record losses, amounting to USD 717.5 million in Q2, 2018.It exceeds the car producer’s losses more than twice for the same period of the last year (USD 336.4 million), Correspondent.net reports.

Based on the reports, published on the official website of the company, the losses are mainly related to the investments in new models, in particular, Tesla Model 3 electric sedan.

The profit from this model “slowly starts demonstrating positive indicators”, as, as the company expects, the gross profit from its sales will increase in Q3 to approximately 15%, and in the fourth – approximately to 20%, mainly due to the constant reduction of production costs.

Referring to its own investigation, Tesla states that the market is much wider for Model 3 than for premium-class mid-size sedans.

It should be reminded that Tesla’s net losses for Q1, 2018, amounted to USD 709.5 million

Previously, it became known that CEO Elon Musk singed the agreement on the construction of the car-making plant in China, not far from Shanghai.

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