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North Korea Encourages U.S. to Lift Restrictions

Monday, 06 August 2018 17:40

U.S. acts against the plan for improving bilateral relationships, despite the Pyongyang’s attempts, including the demounting of the nuclear polygon, DPRK stated.

Pyongyang encouraged U.S. to lift sanctions in response to “good intentions”, which DPRK demonstrated, ending the nuclear attempts and giving the remains of U.S. militaries, who died in the Korean war., the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea informed, correspondent.net reports.

As the edition writes, U.S. acts against the plan of improvement of bilateral relationships, despite Pyongyang’s attempts, including the demounting of the nuclear polygon.

It is noted that as the Department of State stated, the United States do not plan to lift sanctions until the total denuclearization as well as strengthen them in order to increase their weight during the negotiations. As emphasized, the sanctions cannot positively influence friendship between two countries.

It should be reminded that in late July, U.S. intelligence agencies found out that DPRK develops not less than two intercontinental missiles in the research center Sanumdong near Pyongyang. The Department of State stated that Washington expects that Pyongyang will observe agreements, reached during the meeting of U.S. President Donald Trump and DPRK’s Leader Kim Jong Un in June in Singapore. Later, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that North Korea is far from fulfilling the obligations on denuclearization.

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