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U.S. Loses Global Leader Status – UN Secretary General

Friday, 14 September 2018 19:55

Antonio Guterres noted that the use of US soft power is currently declining.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, believes that the international order based on the leadership of one state is tending to its decline, and US leadership is coming to an end in this order. It is reported by The Atlantic.

"The international order, based on the leadership of one state, is called into question, as is the appeal of the American society itself," the UN secretary-general said.

Guterres urged the United States to learn to adapt to this new situation. He noted that the opportunities for using US soft power are currently being reduced.

"The attractiveness of the American society, which was the dominant factor in international relations a few decades ago, is less obvious today," the UN secretary-general said.

At the same time, Guterres stressed the danger of the emerging situation, because without Washington it is impossible to solve many problems in the world.

Recall that in June, the United States left the UN Human Rights Council. In addition, it became known that the United States will reduce the funding of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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