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Reva about Cooperation with IMF: It is Pay Back Time

Friday, 14 September 2018 16:58

The Minister of Social Policy said that during the years of Ukraine's cooperation with the IMF, a dozen of unfulfilled promises have accumulated.

Minister of Social Policy Andrei Reva said that over the years of Ukraine's cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, there have accumulated a half dozen unfulfilled promises by the state, including an increase in the price of gas, ua1 writes.

Reva said that, for example, the issue of gas prices has been on the agenda for ten consecutive years, the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy.

"Our entire history of cooperation with the IMF is a history of unfulfilled promises.Today, there are about 15 such outstanding obligations that are called" beacons, "and the IMF mission brings to the agenda those that it considers important at the current stage to achieve macro-financial stability," - said the Minister of Social Policy.
At the same time, he added that now the time has come for the state to reckon: payment of financial debts on its own or fulfillment of the obligations assumed at one time.

The head of the Ministry of Social Policy stated that the government decided to continue cooperation with the IMF, which provides for an increase in the price of gas.

"We are in negotiations, and we want the price of gas to be fair for people, which means that the size of the increase is of key importance." The government is doing everything to ensure that this increase is minimal, taking into account the situation with the population's incomes and budget possibilities compensate for the rise in gas prices for citizens who need government support, "Reva said.

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