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The Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ dip note to the Russia’s MFA urging implementation of agreements reached in Geneva

Tuesday, 22 April 2014 15:59

Acting Minister has posted the information on the dip note on his Twitter page

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has sent to the MFA of Russia a dip note underlining the necessity to make urgent steps so that to keep to the Geneva accord, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrey Deschitsa posted on his Twitter page, RBK-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

«We’ve sent a note to the MFA of Russia stating the Ukrainian government is making steps to implement the agreements reached in Geneva. It’s Russia’s turn to make a decision», - Mr. Deschitsa said.

According to the MFA of Ukraine’s press-office, Ukraine has undertaken some measures within recent days having strictly followed the agreements reached in Geneva on April 17, 2014.

In particular, according to the MFA’ data, an “active stage” of the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine has been suspended; the Ukrainian government has submitted a draft bill to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on granting an amnesty  to the participants of mass riots; the MIA and Security Service of Ukraine continue to seizure illegal firearms and  other weapons the population keep;  on April 17 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution On the Discussion of Alterations to the Ukraine’s Constitution as to decentralization of the government powers, facilitating a wider discussion of the said above alterations; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has boosted introduction of the local self-government and territorial  bodies in Ukraine.

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