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Palm keyboard created in Tokyo

Saturday, 01 June 2013 12:36


The keyboard can be projected on any surface

Designers from the University of Tokyo presented an innovative system which allows to project controls of computer devices on moving surfaces, reports Compulenta.

The invention allows to create an image of buttons or mobile display on the palm, paper and any other surfaces. And it is not important whether the object is stationary or constantly changing its position - the controls are sort of "glued" to it.

The system consists of two main blocks. One contains a special camera that tracks the position of an object in space with a frequency of 500 times per second, and a projector. The modules are controlled electronically and focus on the projected surface at all times.

The second block, called the Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display, provides a kind of feedback (when the keyboard is projected onto a human hand). Its design includes approximately 2,000 emitters of ultrasonic waves that cause slight tingling in places virtual buttons are displayed on the palm. It is reported that precise synchronization and orientation of emitters allow to create the effect of feedback in any point within a cubic meter.

The presented system has the potential to come in handy in remote management interface of computing devices. It is also possible that certain components will be used in mobile engineering - for example, to interact with smartphones and tablets.

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