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Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroisman and Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble Discuss Concrete Support of Reforms in Ukraine in Customs Sphere, Energy Efficiency Sphere and Privatization

Wednesday, 29 June 2016 16:35


During the meeting on Tuesday, June 28, Prime-Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman and Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble discussed the opportunities of support on the part of Germany of the reforms of Ukrainian government in customs sphere, energy efficiency spheres and privatization.

“We intend to move forward in implementation of reforms”, - Volodymyr Hroisman emphasized at the beginning of the meeting. He noted that the new government started privatization of public companies, in particular, passed the decision on privatization of one of the largest Ukrainian companies – Odessa Portside Plant. In addition, Government carried out deregulation of gas prices, pharmaceutical market and started the customs reform, the Prime-Minister said.

Volodymyr Hroisman emphasized willingness of the government on attracting German investment in the economy of Ukraine. He noted that yesterday he met with representatives of German business, who noted the improvement of investment capital and readiness to activate work in Ukraine.

During the meeting the parties discussed the issues of cooperation in the sphere of energy efficiency, including the issues of German support on creation and work of the State Energy Efficiency Fund, ensuring its transparent and efficient work.

The interlocutors also discussed the German support of reforming the Customs Service of Ukraine and its technical rearmament.

Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble expressed willingness to provide consultative support of the privatization process in Ukraine. “We are ready to help, consult, share privatization experience”, he stated.

Volodymyr Hroisman noted that the government of Ukraine will appoint those, who will be responsible for cooperation with the German part in cooperation on energy efficiency, reforming Ukrainian customs and privatization.

In its turn, Wolfgang Schäuble emphasized the willingness of Germany to support Ukraine and Government on its way of reforms. “A major problem is facing you, and we will support you”, Federal Minister of Finance said.

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