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GPOU Completes Investigation of Voitsekhovsky’s Building Scams

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 15:49

The General Prosecutor’s Office completed the pretrial investigation of the developer Anatoly Voitsekhovsky’s case, First Deputy General Prosecutor Dmitry Storozhuk wrote in his Facebook.

According to him, in 2004-2013 Voitsekhovsky, conspiring with other persons, purchased shares in authorized capitals of several enterprises and, with their help, willfully seized land plots for construction of 40 properties.

The investigation revealed that some properties were commissioned based on counterfeit court decisions and illegally registered in the State Register of Immovable Property. According to investigation data, Voitsekhovsky repeatedly sold some of the sold apartments. 

“The established violations had place during the construction of RC “Pearl of Troyeshchyna” (42A Zakrevskogo Str), BC “Dominion de Lux” (40 Ushynskogo Str), RC “Mega City” (19 and 19-A Kharkivske Shosse Str.), RC “Sosnovy Bor” (Olevska, Klavdievska, Bakhmatska Str.)”, - Storozhuk told.

The willfully seized land plots, construction sites, Voitsekhovsky’s property, amounting to about UAH 200 mln, were attached.

“In addition, the investigation of facts of willful seizure of the remaining land plots, use of them in 2004-2016 for illegal construction of residential and office complexes, embezzlement of construction investment funds under the pretense of sale of apartments in illegally built residential buildings, tax evasion”, the prosecutor added. 

According to him, the suspects and attorneys are currently familiarizing themselves with case materials, after which the indictment will be submitted to the court.

As known, previously the owners of apartments in these buildings were recommended finding other residence for winter period due to the failure of heating connection of these buildings.

You may read in details about the Voitsekhovsky’s building scams in the investigation of “Ukrainian Truth”.  


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