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General Prosecutor’s Office to Ask Court to Give Life Sentence to Yanukovych

Thursday, 04 May 2017 17:43

The General Prosecutor’s Office intends to ask the Kyiv Obolonsky District Court to give life sentence to the former president Victor Yanukovych, the prosecutor Ruslan Kravchenko said at the briefing, Ukrainian News reports.

“Due to the fact that the defendant did not admit his guilt, the prosecution will apply for the maximum punishment – life sentence”, he said.

The prosecutor emphasized that Yanukovych is charged with the treason, which caused the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

Kravchenko also reported that Yanukovych’s case was investigated by 44 military prosecutors.

The General Prosecutor’s Office does not agree either with the decision of the Kyiv Obolonsky District Court to allow Victor Yanukovych to participate in the private session in the court through video conferencing connection.

“It was unexpected. We respect this decision… But we do not agree with this decision”, the prosecutor Ruslan Kravchenko said.

The prosecutor noted that the defense did not file a petition for Yanukovych’s interrogation, and, moreover, the specified procedure is not stipulated by the Criminal Procedural Code.

Meanwhile, Kravchenko said that the panel of judges is professional, and declared his full trust in them.  

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