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SFS Discloses Huge Amounts of Fidobank’s Frauds

Thursday, 15 June 2017 17:00

The owners’ frauds led to the bankruptcy of the financial institution, the taxmen consider.

The State Fiscal Service (SFS) of Ukraine suspects the owners and the executives of the bankrupt Fidobank of appropriation of UAH 1.6 bln of assets of the financial institution, which subsequently resulted in its collapse, Finbalance reports quoting the judgment of Kyiv’s Shevchenko District Court.

As reported, the fraud was committed through illegal disbursement of loans to six associated companies: Averazh FC LLC, Vendor FC LLC, GlobalFinance FC LLC, Griphon Capital LLC, SkyCapital LLC, Avista FC LLC. 

In addition, Fidobank employees caused damage to bank depositors and lenders by alienating and selling immovable properties, owned by the bank, with the total area of 5,690.1 sq. meters. The transaction was appraised at UAH 170.4 mln. The facilities were sold to Edelmar LLC.

The court decision contained information that Alexander Adarich may be not the final beneficial owner of the bankrupt bank, as it was previously considered.

It should be reminded that NBU declared Fidobank bankrupt on May 20, 2016. Shortly before, the bank reported on some liquidity problems.  

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