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Ukraine Will Sue Russia for Damages, Caused by Kerch Strait Bridge

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 17:09

Ukraine will appeal against Russia’s imposition of restrictions on navigation through the Kerch Strait, which causes losses of Ukrainian ports, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yuri Lavrenchuk said at the meeting with trade unions of river ports and seaports on Tuesday, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

“The Ministry of Justice singles out the problem of blocking the Kerch Strait and imposition of restrictions on navigation in existing lawsuits against Russia. Currently the lawsuit is being prepared; the losses of unreceived funds by Mariupol and Berdyansk trade ports are being estimated”, he noted.

Lavrenchuk added that the problem of construction of the Kerch Strait is now being solved jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security and Defense Council.

He also reported that the Ministry of Infrastructure initiates the reduction of norms of paying by state enterprises of the part of net profit to the state budget from 75% to 50% in order to allocate more funds for development and renovation of infrastructure.

As reported, in June, it became known about the preparation by RF Ministry of Transport of the draft order on closure of the Kerch Strait in its navigable area of Kerch-Yenikalsky Strait for 23 hours in August-September 2017 for erection of the bridge arch.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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