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Vodafone and lifecell Litigate against Akhmetov

Thursday, 03 August 2017 17:07

The mobile operator Vodafone sued Ukrtelecom for collection of UAH 3.57 mln due to decreasing the rate of reverse interconnection. In addition, Ukrtelecom has the same litigation with lifecell.

Thus, the Kyiv Economic Court ordered the case trial for August 10, liga.net reports.

As Ukrtelecom’s Director for Corporate Communications Michael Shuranov explained, this dispute regards to the internal interconnection of 0-800 lines.

“This lawsuit is related to the primary suit on the amount of rates, and we hope that it will be considered by the court, taking into account the previous judgment in the rates case”, he noted.

According to Shuranov, the company has the same litigation with the mobile operator lifecell.

“It refers to the reverse interconnection when calling lifecell subscribers at 0-800 lines, which Ukrtelecom provides to its clients. We consider that the rate of such interconnection should be also not more than 15 kopecks. Because it is just an interconnection. We wanted to settle this issue during the pretrial investigation through the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization. However, lifecell appealed to the court, thus blocking the regulator’s ability to fulfill its role”, he noted.

Shuranov emphasized that Kievstar and Ukrtelecom reached agreement on the gradual decrease of the rate of reverse interconnection.

Vodafone did not still give any comments.

It should be reminded that in 2011, when Victor Yanukovich was the president, the only bidder – ESU LLC, owned by the Austrian company EPIC - purchased Ukrtelecom. The new owner of the largest fixed operator paid the nominal price of UAH 10.575 bln for 92.97% of shares. Rinat Akhmetov’s SKM purchased ESU in two years after the tender. The people’s deputy Sergei Leshchenko conducted investigation and established that Dmitri Firtash and Sergei Levochkin were involved in privatization of Ukrtelecom.

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