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Yuncker Explains Position on Anticorruption Court

Tuesday, 18 July 2017 17:14

President of the European Commission considers that Ukraine needs an independent authority for fighting with the corruption, the structure of which will be determined by the authorities.

EC President’s advisor Richard Szostak informed that President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Yuncker pushes for the urgent creation of a competent independent authority for fighting with corruption in Ukraine, UNIAN reports.

In his letter to the Ukrainian Anticorruption Center Szostak specified that, according to Yuncker, the Ukrainian authorities should determine the institutional structure of the anticorruption authority.

EC President’s advisor reminded that the discussion centered round the importance of fighting with the corruption during the EU-Ukraine Summit, which was held on July 13 in Kyiv.

“President Yuncker publicly stated that the efforts, aimed at elimination of corruption in Ukraine, were insufficient for today. He said to each of his interlocutors that the anticorruption was a key benchmark, as per which the process of reforms in Ukraine will be assessed”, according to the letter.

Previously, ten Ukrainian public organizations and movements publicly appealed to the EU with the request to explain the possible alteration of the course on anticorruption courts. It was caused by Yuncker’s statements at the closing press conference of the EU-Ukraine Summit that the European Union does not insist on creating the anticorruption court in Ukraine and allows for the existence of the anticorruption chambers within the current judicial system.

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