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A.Turchinov signed law №841-VII on entering changes to Law on Presidential Elections in Ukraine

Monday, 03 March 2014 15:30

Law №841-VII

Acting President of Ukraine, Chair of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Alexander Turchinov, signed Law №841-VII on entering changes to article 90 of Law of Ukraine On President Elections in Ukraine, RBK-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

The changes enacted by the new law to article 90 of Law of Ukraine On Presidential Elections stipulate the formation of election commissions not later than 40 days (70 days previously) before the election day according to the procedure set out by the law in force, while nominating candidates for office of President of Ukraine to Central Election Commission should be done not later than 45 days (80 days previously) before the election day.

Additionally, the law retracts provisions 7 and 8 of article 90 Law of Ukraine On Presidential Elections of the following wording: «Local executive authorities, local government bodies is liable to fix polling places, pre-election canvassing, outfit stands, announcement boards in public places to advertise election campaign not later than 80 days before the day of election. Price per unit of print area and air time to ensure canvassing is set up by mass media involved not later than eighty days before the election day in the amount that cannot exceed arithmetic mean of price for commercial advertising (adverts which purpose of spreading is to get profit) for the last quarter of a year that precedes the year of election. Besides, the mass media can calculate price per unit of print area and air time separately for business days, days off and holidays, as well as to estimate price for broadcasting made in different periods and area printed taking into account quantity of prospective target audience. Not later than 78 days prior to the election day mass media of all forms of ownership is obliged to publicize cost of air time per one minute (second) and rates per unit of print area in the print media».

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