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The Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine advises store networks to lower prices of foodstuffs

Monday, 28 April 2014 16:39

The Committee’s monitoring of shopping prices the retail stores set for foodstuff

The Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine has given recommendations to the main store networks engaged in retail trading of foodstuffs for undertaking measures to prevent groundless rise in prices of foodstuffs, the press-office of the AMCU reports.

According to the survey, the shopping prices the stores in the retail chain set show a striking hike, as regards the prices of foodstuffs.

Meantime, according to the monitoring data given by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, any change in wholesale prices always results in relevant revamping of selling prices by retail stores.

So, in particular, for the period starting from January 1 to April 16 the surge in wholesale prices of sugar by 19,6% has entailed an increase in retail prices by more than 29%.

It is exactly the same with the onion prices, which wholesale price that grew by 18,4 % has caused an increase in retail prices by 37,4 %, with prices of potatoes surged by 25,5 and 40,1 % respectively. A similar situation is arising in the domestic milk market (grown by 1,9 and 3% correspondingly).

Simultaneously, despite drop in wholesale prices of poultry by 2,9 % , retail prices showed a tendency to drop insignificantly - by only 0,5 %.

In addition, as regards some items of food, along with reduction in wholesale prices, their retail prices rise (this is applied to prices of rye and wheat bread, and beef).

To recap, the analysis of the foodstuffs market shows there are not any preconditions for such a sharp growth of prices of foodstuffs, including retail prices.

In connection with the said above, and with the view of maintaining price stability and reducing negative aftermath of volatility of prices, and aiming to prevent any breach of the economic  competition  laws, the Anti-monopoly Committee of Ukraine has given recommendations to PAKKO-Holding Ltd., Adventis Ltd., Bimarket Ltd., Fozzy-Food Ltd., X5 Retail Group Ukraine PJSC, Krai-2 Ltd., Novus Ukraine LLC, Furshet center GP, Furshet Region GP, Billa-Ukraina PII, SPAR-Center Ltd., ATB-Market Ltd., Ashan Ukraine Hypermarket LLC, EKO Ltd., Metro Cash & Carry – Ukraine LLC , Foodmarket Ltd., Fora Ltd., Trading House Amstor Ltd., to undertake the measures on preventing groundless rise in retail prices of foodstuffs.

The said above economic entities should inform the Ukraine’s Anti-Monopoly Committee within ten days of the conclusions they made after considering the recommendations proposed.  

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Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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