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The NBU elucidates some clauses of the resolution On Changes to Credit Payback Period for Banks

Monday, 22 September 2014 17:48

Commentaries on the resolution of the NBU’s Management Board dd. September 4, 2014, No. 551

The National Bank of Ukraine has published commentaries on the resolution passed by its Management Board on September 4, 2014, No. 551 on changes to the credit payback periods for banks.

What banks are fallen under this resolution (number and names)?

All banks that had outstanding debt on the date of enacting the resolution, as regards loans issued to them to maintain liquidity / loans to boost financial recovery as well as loans to keep liquidity levels.

Which debts are subject to a standstill? Is it possible to postpone making payments on short-term loans?

All loans issued within the financial recovery project as well as those for maintaining liquidity, namely all refinance loans, except loans to finance tender offers. The standstill on short-term loans has not been foreseen.

What amount can be deferred?

The entire loan amount the scheduled repayment of which falls in the period from September to November 2014.

How much outstanding loans do the banks own to the central bank, as regards refinancing and liquidity loans?

The said resolution does not cover overdue loans.

Why does not the NBU introduce restrictions on increment of assets and issue of new loans for the banks, recipients of rehabilitation loans/ loans to keep liquidity levels?

While issuing credits, the National Bank obligatory introduces restrictions on making risk asset transactions by the banks.  With this purpose, to set the restrictions on total amount of the assets that include also high quality liquidity assets is unreasonable.  

How many banks do not fulfil the requirements of their clients concerning payments or return of deposits within the period that does not exceed 5 days? What number of clients’ claims for similar violations made by the banks has been registered by the NBU (central and regional branches)?

The National Bank puts a special focus on timely fulfilment of obligations to clients by the banks. All claims are examined, and in the event of non-fulfiment of obligations by the banks,   the NBU undertakes necessary measures.

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