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First Session of New Cabinet of Ministers: Groisman Names Main Tasks of Government

Wednesday, 20 April 2016 17:06

The task of new government should become the support of macroeconomic stability and anticorruption – Prime-Minister.

The task of new government, the composition of which should be approved by the Verkhovna Rada on April 14 of this year, should become the support of macroeconomic stability, anticorruption as well as orientation at further economic growth, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman said, opening the government session.

Groisman emphasized that the newly appointed ministers are familiarizing with the state of affairs in the country and are preparing their program of actions. In this regard Groisman reminded that in 30 days the step-by-step plan of implementation of priority reforms will be ready.

“Our priorities are unchanged – improvement of quality of state management, ensuring macro-financial stability, recovery of economic growth. One of priorities is overcoming the corruption”, Groisman said, adding that it is necessary to fill the budget, which will be aimed at solving current issues.

Groisman noted that it is important not just to have multiple plans on reforms, but also determine the area of responsibility of each minister.

Also, according to him, it is important to pass government draft laws for the efficient implementation of reforms.

“I demand that each minister cooperates qualitatively with the Parliament”, Prime Minister said.

He emphasized that the general task is to improve quality of people’s lives, and this should be on the agenda of each minister.

“The main priority is people… I count on each minister’s responsibility”, Prime Minister said.

According to Groisman, first decisions will be approved at today’s government session.

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