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Amazon Start Large-Scale Internal Investigation due to Internal Investigation due to Data Leakage and Bribes to Employees - WSJ

Monday, 17 September 2018 17:52

The largest U.S. online store Amazon started a large-scale internal investigation due to data leakage and the facts of getting bribes by company employees, The Wall Street Journal reports.

According to the publication, Amazon employees sold internal data and other confidential information that allowed more effective promotion of products on the online store platform to third-party companies

The employees provided data on the system for selecting the names of goods, as well as the principles of their evaluation. In addition, there have been cases of deleting negative reviews and restoring deleted accounts.

The size of the bribes could range from $ 80 to $ 2 thousand.

This practice was most widely used in China, where employees paid $ 300 for each remote negative comment of the company. Money came mainly in cash.

The company itself confirmed the information about the beginning of the investigation. They said that the company has a strict policy and code of honor, and anyone who violates it will fall under legal or criminal sanctions.

It is noted that Amazon conducts an internal investigation in all international missions.

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