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U.S. Senate Approves Pentagon’s Budget with $250 Mln for Ukraine

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 16:10

The financial assistance will be allocated to Ukraine for carrying out military exercises, providing the military equipment, lethal weapons and logistic support.

U.S. Senate approved Pentagon’s draft budget for 2019, which provides for allocating $250 million to help Ukraine to ensure security, Embassy Ukraine in the United States informed on Tuesday, September 18, korrespondent reports.

"U.S. Senate approved the bill, previously agreed with the House of Representatives, on appropriations for the needs of the Ministry of Defense for 2019", the report said.

It is noted that this estimate is by $50 million higher than 2018 budget for the respective support programs for Ukraine.

The bill says that $250 million are allocated, including military exercises, military equipment, lethal weapons and logistic support, and the replacement of previously provided weapons or military goods.

The list of types of assistance also includes intelligence support for the armed and security forces of Ukraine.

Previously, it was reported that U.S. Senate passed a bill on the Pentagon budget for 2019 Fiscal Year, a amounting to $716 billion.

It should be reminded that U.S. military budget for 2018 was almost $700 billion. The document envisaged allocation of $4.6 billion to European allies as part of countering the Russian threat. A separate line also provided for allocation of $350 million for military assistance to Ukraine.

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