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Damage from Powerful Hurricane Florence Estimated at $38-50 bln in U.S.

Monday, 24 September 2018 16:51

Moody’s experts estimated damage from the powerful hurricane Florence in U.S. at 38-50 bln dollars.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, these figures account for the property damage, vehicle damage, as well as production losses, resulting from this hurricane.

The hurricane continues to roar in some states of the country. The rivers in North and South Carolina continue overflowing the banks; about 600 roads are blocked.

It is noted that private insurance companies are already ready to pay the injured a compensation, totaling between 1.7 and 5 bln dollars.

Moody’s specialists ranked this hurricane Florence at the seventh place in terms of the caused damage for the whole U.S. history.

The damage from hurricanes Harvey, Maria and Irma, which stroke U.S. in 2017, were estimated at 133.5 bln, 120 bln, 84.2 bln dollars respectively.

It should be reminded that on September 14, Florence hurricane hit the coast of North Carolina, resulting in heavy rainfall and strong gusts of wind. According to the last data, 37 people became the victims of phenomenon.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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