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Poroshenko’s Plant Refutes Information on Withdrawal of Assets before Sale

Friday, 28 September 2018 16:05

Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky will be sold to the buyer as an integral property complex, if the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) approves it, the company’s press service informed the agency, NV reports quoting Interfax-Ukraine.

According to the press service, the company Bud-Renovation is entity, whose sole owner is Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky; therefore, it is subject to alienation with it.

In addition, the return (repurchase) of the Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky near the Central Station of the capital is being completed. The plant will be sold as a single complex.

"The agreement is transparent; it is accompanied by the world-renowned auditing company Ernst & Young. TAS Group as a potential buyer has publicly confirmed its intentions, which indicates a high level of trust between the parties to the forthcoming agreement and mutual responsibility regarding their obligations", the press service said.

Previously, it was reported that President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was selling Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky to the national buyer after the consent of the Antimonopoly Committee. Mass media disseminated information about alienation of the property of Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky in favor of Bud-Renovation.

On September 27, TAS Group announced that it had reached a preliminary agreement on the purchase of Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky.

Kuznya Plant in Rybalsky is one of the well-known enterprises of the Ukrainian industry. The largest shareholder of the plant is the fund Prime Assets Capital of Petro Poroshenko with 82.5% stake. Another 11.5% stake in the company belongs to VIC Foundation of Igor Kononenko.

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