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Acceptable Norms of Export of Bunker Fuel from EAEU Territory as Supplies Established

Monday, 07 November 2016 15:52

The quantity of bunker oil, transported as the supplies by ships through the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, the Union), will be calculated on the basis of the information on the actual consumption for the previous period, if the less than 30 days passed since the last bunkerage. In case if the ship had bunkerage on the customs territory of the Union more than 30 days ago or did not have bunkerage at all, the volumes of bunker oil, acceptable for declaration as the supplies, will be estimated on the basis of the actual capacity of bunker tanks. Such decision was taken by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (BEAEC) at the regular meeting on November 1, Khabar 24 reports.

The decision of the Commission Board № 131 On Determining Quantity Norms of Bunker Fuel, Transported by Ships through Customs Border of the Eurasian Economic Union, determined the exhaustive list of information, subject to provision during the declaration of the bunker fuel as the supplies, as well as the clear algorithm of calculation of quantity norms.

“The decision establishes a very simple and clear mechanism of calculation of the volume of bunker fuel, acceptable for export by the concrete ship from the territory of the Union, without placement under the customs procedures and payment of export customs duties”, EAEU Board Member (Minister) for Customs Cooperation Mukai Kadyrkulov – “The decision will eliminate problems, which previously all the persons involved in this process faced during the inspection as well as the confirmation of correctness of the claimed amount of bunker oil, proposed for export beyond the territory of the Union by ships as the supplies”.

Mukai Kadyrkulov also noted that the decision will not impose restrictions for bunker oil.

“The quantity of bunker oil, which is not recognized as supplies, can be exported only if it is placed under customs procedures and payment of export customs duties”, EAEU Minister explained.


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