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Donald Trump Criticizes U.N. by Calling it «Just Club for People»

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 15:58

US President-Elect Donald Trump called the United Nations Organization as the club, where people gather to speak and spend good time – BBC reports.

In his Twitter Trump wrote that he considers that U.N. is the organization with big potential, which is actually not used. US President-Elect added that he is upset about this fact.

Previously Trump made it clear both before and after UN Security Council adopted the resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank that he believed the United States should have blocked the move.

However, as a result, US representatives abstained from voting, notwithstanding that previously they regularly blocked such resolutions on Israel. Consequently, 14 member-countries of UN Security Council voted for the resolution, and it was adopted.

The adoption of resolution made Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu angry. He claimed that his country is not going to fulfill the requirements of this resolution. He also accused US acting political leaders of supporting the document.

In his turn, commenting on the adoption of a resolution, Trump wrote that after January 20 everything will be differently in U.N. (his inauguration is scheduled for January 20). Previously, Trump repeatedly delivered speeches in support of Israel.

During the pre-election campaign, U.N. called Trump as the dangerous candidate for US presidency. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein expressed concern with his harsh statements regarding “unprotected social groups”.

Al Hussein also noted that previously Trump approvingly spoke about practice of torture on terror suspects – practice, which is prohibited by international legislation.

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