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US Tightens Rules of Deportation of Illegal Migrants

Wednesday, 22 February 2017 17:29

The Executive Office of US President Donald Trump issued new, more stringent rules for deportation of illegal immigrants, BBC reports.

Thus, the country authorities hope to increase the number of deported violators.

First of all, new measures are targeted at illegal immigrants, who were convicted of committing crimes or who threaten security of the country as well as for those, who recently landed on US territory.

Meanwhile, the authorities will treat the undocumented immigrants, who violated the road traffic rules or lifted a shop, in the same way as with those, who committed serious crimes.

The document, published by US Department of Homeland Security, stipulates that national authorities put a priority on the deportation of most illegal immigrants. The document contains the wide list of categories of deportable immigrants.

New rules do not change US current legislation, however, they tighten its application.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer explained on Tuesday that new rules will not lead to massive deportations. However, they should provide more authorities to law enforcement agencies in order to observe already existing laws.

In the meantime, the document does not cancel the protection program, approved by former US President Barack Obama, for immigrants, who illegally landed on US territory when being children. About 750 thousand of young people fall within its scope. However, the Trump’s administration encourages punishing parents, who illegally brought their kids to the country.

The White House is going to ask the Congress to allocate financial resources in order the Ministry of Homeland Security could employ more people. It is planned that the migration police will additionally employ 10 thousand people, and the Border Control – 5 thousand.

Donald Trump encourages restricting the influx of immigrants to the USA. After the inauguration, he signed the order on building the wall on the border with Mexico as well as the order, restricting the entry into the USA of immigrants from several Middle East countries, having extremism issues.

The Seattle Federal Court suspended the order, restricting the entry of immigrants. In return, Trump promised to present a new option of the migration order.

The Trump’s migration policy led to massive protests in the USA as well as aroused criticism from other countries and business representatives.

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