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US Administration Promises to Develop Cooperation with Estonia

Thursday, 23 February 2017 17:39

“Estonia is the key NATO ally and a friendly country”, as reported in the statement of US Secretary of State, Voice of America reports.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson congratulated Estonia on the 99th anniversary of foundation of the republic, emphasizing US engagement in further expansion of bilateral cooperation.

In his address on behalf of US President, the Head of US Diplomatic Mission emphasized Estonia’s achievements in “promoting democratic values” and effective state governance.

“Estonia is the key NATO ally and a friendly country, - as said in the statement of the Secretary of State. – Our cooperation and engagement in ensuring security, sovereignty and stability of the Transatlantic Union remain unchanging”.

According to Tillerson, the contacts between people are the basis for long-term partnership of the USA and Estonia.

“The United States will stand with you and is ready for expansion of future cooperation”, Tillerson said.

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