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European Union to Focus on Nuclear Energy at EXPO-2017

Friday, 26 May 2017 17:15

The European Union does not have its pavilion, but it will participate in different events of EXPO-2017.

Head of European Union Delegation in Kazakhstan Traian Hristea told how EU will be represented at EXPO-2017 as well as made evaluation of the participation of European countries in the global exhibition, Sputnik Kazakhstan reports.

“We do not have our pavilion, but the European Union will participate in different events within EXPO-2017. The ministers’ energy conference will be attended by the Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Energy Union, Marosh Shevcovic”, Traian Hristea shared during the informal meeting of the ambassadors of European countries with Kazakh youth.

EU will also represent all the projects, which are financed by the European Union within the international technological center, where the innovations in renewable energy sources are included.

“In July, the Days of Europe will take place within the energy policy. They will be focused on the nuclear energy; we invite authoritative speakers and present latest developments”, Head of European Union Delegation in Kazakhstan said.

In addition, , the ministers’ conference Central Asia – EU, dedicated to the education in Kazakhstan and CA, in particular – the introduction of Bologna process – will take place on June 22-24.

Traian Hristea noted that Europe shows great interest in EXPO. 14 countries will present their pavilions, they also booked the national days, many of which will take place at a very high level with participation of presidents.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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