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Trump’s Advisor: U.S. and China Are at Economic War

Thursday, 17 August 2017 17:40

Steven Bannon considers that the countries are at economic war and somebody will prevail within the next 30 years.

The chief strategic adviser of U.S. President Steven Bannon said in the interview with American Prospect that the U.S. engages in economic war with China, Correspondent.net reports.

“We are at economic war with China. They are not ashamed of what they are doing. One of us will become a hegemon within the next 25-30 years. And we get stuck on this way, then it will be them”, Bannon reported.

“If we continue to lose, then in five or ten years we will reach a point, when we will never be able to recover”, he emphasized.

Trump’s Adviser also admitted that Beijing can reach agreement, which would lead to the freeze of Pyongyang’s nuclear program, and U.S. will remove its troops from Korean Peninsula. However, according to the journal, Bannon considers that this will happen in the long term.

Bannon also spoke out on DPRK’s problem. He considers that it has no military decision.

“Until somebody suggests a decision, which will show me that ten million people in Seoul will not die within 30 minutes from the use of conventional armaments, I do not know what to say. Forget about it, there is no military decision here”, the advisor said.

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