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Google Finds Proof of Russia’s Interference with U.S. Elections – WP

Tuesday, 10 October 2017 16:28

Google found proof of attempted Russia’s interference with U.S. presidential elections in 2016, Ukrinform reports quoting The Washington Post, referring to anonymous sources.

Reportedly, according to Google’s analysis, Russia purchased adverts for dozens of thousands dollars through Google, YouTube, Gmail and DoubleClick.

The edition notes that they were purchased not from the “troll farm”, affiliated with the Kremlin, which purchased adverts for the same purposes for Facebook. “It is the sign that the attempt of distribution of false information via Internet can become a much wider problem”, the message says.

Reportedly, Google initiated investigation due to U.S. Congress’ pressure over IT company, which demanded to determine that Russian agents used social media, online adverts and other Internet instruments to impact presidential elections 2016.

According to edition’s sources, currently, Google studies the block of ads, amounting to USD 100 000, and attempts to find out where they came from – from trolls or some of them were made from legal Russian accounts.

Google representatives have not commented the situation yet.

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