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Ireland Collects 14.3 Billion Euros of Tax from Apple

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 17:19

Ireland received 14.3 billion euros from Apple as part of collection of illegally received tax subsidies and interest by the European Commission, BBC reports.

Minister of Finance of Ireland Paschal Donohoe announced on Tuesday that the country’s government has recovered from Apple 13.1 billion euros of unpaid taxes, as well as 1.2 billion euros.

Earlier, the government of Ireland and Apple agreed that the company will transfer funds to a special escrow account for the period of considering Apple’s appeals by the European Court the Irish authorities on the decision of the European Commission.

It should be reminded that at the end of August 2016, the European Commission, based on the results of the investigation, concluded that Ireland provided unreasonable tax breaks to Apple, resulting in a country underfunded 13 billion euros. After that, the American corporation had to return the country unpaid taxes for the period from 2003 to 2014.

This was due to the fact that almost all European sales of Apple were registered in Ireland, where the main European office of the company is located, and not in those countries where products were actually sold.

The tax regime in Ireland allowed the US corporation not to pay taxes on profits from the sale of products to the EU. However, Ireland did not agree with the conclusions of the EC.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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