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Election of Interpol President: U.S. Makes Choice

Wednesday, 21 November 2018 16:56

“We strongly support Kim Jong-Yang, who is currently acting as the director of this international agency. We encourage all countries and organizations, which entered Interpol in accordance with the laws, to elect the president, who has authority and prestige”, he said, Correspondent reports.

The elections of Interpol director will be held on Wednesday, November 21, at the General Assembly session in Dubai. The main candidate for the post of Interpol President is the representative of Russia Alexander Procopchuk, who occupied the position of the vice-president of this organization since 2016.

Except for Procopchuk, the candidate for the post of Interpol President is the acting president of the organization Kim Jong-Yang from South Korea, who previously occupied the post of a senior Vice President. The former president of the organization Meng Hongwei resigned on October 7 after his arrest in China. After him, Kim Jong-Yang became the acting president.

It should be reminded that Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov stated that Kyiv will consider the question of suspending its membership in the organization, in case of electing the representative of Russia as Interpol President. In its turn, RF reported pressure on the election of Interpol President.

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