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RF Responds to UK Statement on Nuclear Attack

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 17:38

The Russian Senator said that Britain would be wiped off the face of the earth if it deployed a first strike nuclear attack against the nuclear state, Correspondent.net reports.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Federation Committee on Defense and Security Frans Klintsevich responded to the statement of UK’s Secretary of State for Defense Michael Fallon that London has the right for preemptive nuclear attack.

It should be reminded that previously Fallon said that Prime Minister Theresa May can issue the order on launching nuclear attack “if necessary”.

“At best, this statement should be considered as some element of psychological war”, the Russian Senator wrote in Facebook.

Klintsevich also emphasized that if UK is ready to attack the nuclear state, then it, “not having the largest territory” will be “literally razed to the ground with a response strike”.

And if the strike is made on the non-nuclear state, then it will look like US nuclear attack on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the politician emphasized.

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