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U.S. Specifies Terms for Starting Dialogue with DPRK

Friday, 08 December 2017 16:59

DPRK should start the denuclearization process for starting negotiations with the U.S., the Department of State reports.

The question of direct negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea will not be considered unless Pyongyang starts the denuclearization process, Spokesperson of U.S. Department of State Heather Nauert said on Thursday, December 7, Correspondent.net reports, quoting RIA News.

 “The question of direct negotiations with North Korea will not be considered unless they want to start the denuclearization process. This is what Russia agrees on, this is what China and many other countries agreed on. DPRK does not show any interest in negotiations and serious discussions, and at the same time they continue to launch their ballistic missiles”, she said.

It should be reminded that DPRK stated that the joint military trainings of the U.S. and South Korea as well as recent statements of U.S. officials evidence about America’s preparation for attacking North Korea.

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