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Intercommerz Bank Top Executive Suspected of Embezzlement of €45 Mln

Wednesday, 02 November 2016 16:37

The Russia’s investigative committee initiated a fraud case against Chairman of the Management Board of Intercommerz Bank Alexander Bugaievsky, who is suspected of the embezzlement of EUR 45 mln – BBC reports.

According to RIC version, Bugaievsky debited this amount to the accounts of foreign companies, controlled by him and his copartners, under the fictitious agreements of purchase and sale of currency, belonging to the bank.

According to the message of the institution, as a result, the bank had its banking license revoked due to non-fulfillment of legislative requirements, and, in April, it was declared bankrupt.

As per the results of inspection, in early February, the Central Bank stated that Intercommerz inadequately assessed risks, fully lost its own funds and participated “in conducting dubious transit operations”.

Buhaievsky has been put on the wanted list; his location has not been established yet.

Also, during the investigation process, the top executive’s property was seized, including apartment in Moscow, land plots in Moscow vicinity and the funds, amounting to more than RUB 100 mln (USD 1.5 mln), RIC reports.

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