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RF Vnesheconombank: MIC Diversification Projects Leave Much to Be Desired

Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:02

The quality and quantity of the diversification projects of Russian military enterprises for the release of civil products leave much to be desired, Deputy Chairman of the Public Corporation “Vnesheconombank” Petr Zolotarev said during the forum “Technoprom-2017” on Wednesday, RIA News reports.

He explained that, in cooperation with RF Ministry of Industry and Trade, the corporation forms the portfolio of MIC diversification projects; however, they cause concern.

“The quality of diversification projects and their quantity are absolutely not satisfactory to us. Since the beginning of this year, among 95 declared projects in the bank, we managed to introduce less than dozen for the total amount of 8.6 billion rubles. The disbursement plan is 10 billion, and I do not know how I will fulfill this plan this year. The level of readiness of projects leaves much to be desired”, Zolotarev said.

He noted that the bank management is ready to lower rates and increase time resource for employees in order to help companies to present projects for their funding; however, today, the condition of projects is not satisfactory.  

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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