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Putin States Russia’s Readiness to Supply Gas to Europe through Turkey

Friday, 23 June 2017 17:18

Russia is ready to supply gas through the territory of Turkey to Southern and South-Eastern Europe; the partners have interest in it, RF President Vladimir Putin said during the phone conversation with President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan, RIA News reports.

“If our partners want – we will be ready to supply gas through the territory of Turkey to Southern and South-Eastern Europe”, he said. “We see that our partners have such interest”, RF President said, discussing the construction of the main pipeline “Turkish Flow” with the President of Turkey.

“I assure you that we will decently represent your interests, because our interests totally coincide in this case”, he said to Erdogan. 

Remarking good progress on “Turkish Flow” project, Putin emphasized that we still have “to agree several questions – the entry point of the gas pipeline, the passage through the territory of Turkey, ecologic security issues”. “But if we move at the same pace, we will fulfill all our plans”, he assured. 

Putin reminded that the first thread of the gas pipeline will be ready in the next year, the second – in late 2019.

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