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Mass Media: Putin Delays Election Campaign On Purpose

Tuesday, 05 September 2017 17:12

There are no doubts that Putin will run for the president again at 2018 elections.

The Kremlin deliberately delays the start of the election campaign of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Correspondent.net reports quoting Gazeta.ru, which, in its turn, refers to the sources, close to the Kremlin. The method of nomination of the candidate from the acting government will be announced at the congress of the United Russia Party after December 10.

As the edition notes, as there are virtually no doubts that Putin will run for the president again at 2018 elections, the intrigue remains about the method of conducting his campaign. It is noted that this time is chosen for leaving the option of his party nomination, because the final decision on whether Putin will become a self-nominated candidate is not taken either.

It is reported that two sources, close to the Kremlin, consider that they will not rush to announce the candidate, but will do it within the statutorily determined period.

“The shorter the campaign is, the better it is for the most famous candidate. These are the basics of political technologies. There are nothing new in it”, one of the sources, working with the current internal political bloc of the Kremlin, noted.

It should be reminded that the elections of the President of Russia will be held on 18 March 2018. According to the law, the Council of the Federation should take decision on appointment of the elections of RF President not earlier than 100 days and not later than 90 days prior ot this date. Therefore, it should be done from 8 to 18 December of this year.

In 2012, Putin was nominated from United Russia. As the self-nominated candidate, he won elections in 2000 and 2004.

It was previously reported that the concept of attraction of citizens to the presidential elections in 2018 with flash mobs, memes and selfies was developed in Russia.

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