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Multibillion debts of the Russian companies do not cause anxiety of the Russian government

Tuesday, 22 April 2014 16:02

Debt liabilities of the Russian companies amounted to USD 115 bln

Debt liabilities of the Russian companies due over the next 12 months top $115 billion. However, despite of the tight relations with Ukraine, these companies will be able to pay off their debts even if the securities market closes, the Bloomberg reports.

Having analysed 47 big companies, the Moody’s agency reports that in the upcoming 18 months these organizations will be financed in the amount of $100 million. The Fitch rating agency has evaluated the indices of 55 companies that gives ground to come to conclusion that almost all of them are well-placed to operate in the closed refinancing market. As regards the banks, they have over $20 billion in foreign currency for lending to the companies that cannot raise funds abroad. 

«The amount of monetary funds lodged on the accounts of the Russian companies, lines of credit opened by the banks, and monetary funds - enable them to service their debts», Moody’s analyst in Moscow Denis Perevezentsev said.

According to the Moody`s estimates, further sanctions against the Russian enterprises that might impose the US and European Union will have impact on their functioning.

If necessary, the Russian government can disburse its financial aid to the Russian companies having used the gold reserves the amount of which nowadays equals $ 477,7 billion. This can ensure the country won’t encounter the problem of shortage of foreign currency.  Additionally, the reserves are the source of long-term liquidity the Russian banking system maintains, which can be used for refinancing, at least, a part of corporate loans.

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