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Russia Responds to Judgment of The Hague Court

Thursday, 20 April 2017 16:04

RF emphasizes that the Court in The Hague does not support Ukraine’s statements on the occupation and the status of the Crimea, Correspondent.net reports.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague considered the Ukraine’s requirements on temporary measures against RF under the International Conventionfor the Suppressionof theFinancing of Terrorism(ICSFT) “groundless”, according to RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The court acknowledged without voting that Ukraine’s complaints against Russia on ICSFT are groundless and, respectively, there are no conditions for implementation of temporary measures”, as it is said in the statement of RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs, posted on the official website of the department in Facebook.

The Russian foreign policy department also emphasized that the court in The Hague did not support Ukraine’s statements on the status of the Crimea and “considered it as having no connection with the subject matter of trial”.

“It is important that the court has the principled position and does not support Ukraine’s statements about alleged “aggression”, “occupation” or about the status of the Crimea as not relating to the subject matter of the trial”, according to the statement of RF MFA.

It should be reminded that the International Court of Justice in The Hague partially satisfied the claim of Ukraine against Russia. The court obligated RF authorities to provide the citizens of the Crimea with the opportunity to receive education in Ukrainian, and the Crimean Tartars – the right for representation of their interests.

However, The Hague did not find Russian guilty of financing the terrorism and declined to undertake measures on this part of claim.  

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