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BRICS’ New Development Bank Considers Two Active Projects in Russia

Thursday, 06 July 2017 17:03

BRICS’ New Development Bank considers two projects in Russia for the total amount of 560 million dollars, NDB’s President Kundapur Vaman Kamath told, RIA News reports.

“We have a very strong portfolio of projects for 2017-2018. It includes 23 projects, totaling about 6 billion dollars. In China, we have five projects for USD 1.7 billion – all sovereign loans, in India – six projects for USD 1.8 billion, all of which are sovereign, in Brazil – seven projects for 800 million dollars, out of which five are sovereign loans and two are non-sovereign”, - Kamath said during the press conference from Shanghai.

“In Russia, we have two active projects for 560 million dollars, both are sovereign. In RSA, we consider three projects for 1.2 billion dollars – all are non-sovereign”, Kamath added.

The NDB’s president did not name exact projects in Russia, only responding that one of them refers to supporting the judicial system reform, and the second – highway construction.

“One of them refers to the judicial system reform. It refers to technologies, which are aimed at the process of reforming and supporting the government in this work. In addition, we also consider the project, which is the part of the toll highway. Now, I do not want to reveal it, but this is a very important project in terms of its strategic significance for transport connection inside the country”, - NBR’s President told about the projects in Russia.

As RIA News explained in the bank, the bank is expected to provide the sovereign loan for supporting the judicial system reform in RF. First of all, it refers to the construction of buildings and IT-infrastructure.   

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