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Nothing Special: Putin Comments on Clamorous Kadyrov’s Interview

Monday, 17 July 2017 17:24

Press Secretary of President of Russia Dmitry Peskov encouraged assessing the statements of the Head of the Chechen Republic, not quoting them out of the context.

The considerations of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in the interview to U.S. channel were enough harsh, but if they are put in the context, nothing outrageous was told, Press Secretary of RF President Dmitry Peskov told journalists, Segodnya reports.

“Regarding Kadyrov’s interview, frankly speaking, his words are being quoted out of the context. There were really very harsh considerations, but they should be viewed in the context, and, if they are considered in the context, then nothing outrageous was told”, Peskov told.

Previously, during the interview to U.S. channel HBO, which is quoted by leading western mass media, when responding to the question whether he considers U.S. as the enemy of Russia,   Kadyrov said that “America is not such a strong state in order we consider it as the enemy of Russia”.

He emphasized that RF has “strong authorities and we are a nuclear state”, and even if a serious attack is delivered on the country, “our missiles will be automatically launched”.

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