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Gazprom Files Lawsuit against Supreme Court of Ukraine

Monday, 28 August 2017 17:43

Gazprom filed a lawsuit to the SCU. The company appeals against the fine, amounting to UAH 172 bln.

Gazprom filed to the Supreme Court of Ukraine a complaint against the decision of the High Economic Court, by which it dismissed the company’s cassation complaint against the decision on collection of fine and penalty, imposed by the Antimonopoly Committee, totaling UAH 172 bln, Ukrainian News reports, quoting the court ruling.

It is noted that within the enforced debt collection on this decision, the State Enforcement Service resorted to the arrest of 40.2% Gaztranzit PJSC shares, belonging to Gazprom.

Thus, UAH 79.877 mln hryvnias of dividends, payable to Gazprom from participation in Gaztranzit PJSC, as well as corporate rights and properties of Gazprom Sbyt Ukraine were seized.

Later, Gazprom achieved cancellation of writing off of UAH 79.9 mln of dividends, payable to Gazprom from Gaztranzit.

It should be reminded that in January 2016, AMCU fined Gazprom for 85 bln hryvnias for abuse of monopoly on the natural gas transit market of Ukraine.

Gazprom appealed against the decision of the committee; however, the court returned the statement of a claim without consideration. The court of all instances, including the Supreme Court of Ukraine, refused to satisfy the Gazprom’s complaint on declaring the return illegal.

On October 31, it became known that AMCU increased twice the amount of the fine, imposed on Gazprom – up to UAH 172 bln, claiming the penalty for untimely payment of the fine.

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