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Russia’s MFA Threatens U.S. due to “Capture” of RF’s Diplomatic Property in San-Francisco

Tuesday, 03 October 2017 17:22

The Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that U.S. government officials fully occupied all premises of RF’s general consulate in San Francisco, and threatens to act in the same way against U.S. properties in RF, RF’s MFA stated, European Truth reports.

“Washington committed a new major violation of international right. Since last December, Americans already took by force five Russian diplomatic properties, which are our property. And now the entrance doors were forced, the full search was conducted inside”, the statement says.

“We emphasize once more that we never gave and give U.S. authorities any consent to lifting of immunity from Russia’s diplomatic and consular properties, did not and do not permit any intervention in our properties. Nobody invited U.S. agents there. They are invaders. Their actions are the lawlessness, unprecedented in the history of bilateral relationships”, RF’s MFA claims.

RF’s MFA warned that they will act on the basis of diplomatic principle of “mutuality”: “Consequently, we understand that Americans, breaking in our foreign offices, actually agreed upon the possibility of the same treatment with their missions in Russia”.

As is known, U.S. Department of State stated about closure of the general consulate of Russia in San Francisco as well as two diplomatic properties in Washington, D.C. and New York.

The U.S. explained that this step was taken in response to Kremlin’s claim to reduce U.S. diplomatic staff in Russia.

RF authorities intend to file lawsuit against U.S. authorities due to the closure of Russia’s general consulate in San Francisco and two trade missions.

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