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Why Cannot Russia Make Gas Bypass Ukraine: Expert Specifies Nord-Stream-2 Problems

Thursday, 22 March 2018 17:05

The project Nord Stream-2 can face some problems even after receiving permission for construction in Germany, British expert Alan Riley told, Segodnya reports.

“Even if they obtain this permission, they will still have some problems. One of them consists in the fact that 70% of Nord-Stream-2 funding is borrowed from the international capital markets. And the European banks hold off to give money for this project, fearing the sanctions, which U.S. may impose against Nord-Stream-2”, Riley noted.

It should be reminded that the other day, U.S. threatened to impose sanctions against foreign companies because of Nord Stream-2. The restrictions may spread over the contractors, which support construction of the Russian gas pipeline.

In addition, according to Riley, in November 2017, the European Commission proposed introducing amendments to EU gas directive in order to extend core principles of EU energy legislation on gas pipelines from third countries.

“As I understand, now, Germans do not have the minimum required number of votes to block the approval of this amendment. In case of its approval, Nord Stream-2 will face huge problem, because they will not be able to obtain necessary permission of the European commission”, the expert thinks.    

Riley reminded that Denmark approved the law, which permits them to block laying of pipes of Nord Stream-2 through its territorial waters.

“If Denmark blocks the construction of the pipe, the realization of Nord Stream-2 will be carried out with large delays. By the way, it is not understandable how and where the pipes should be laid to bypass Denmark. If Russia goes south, then it reaches the territorial waters of Denmark again. And, in the north, the territorial waters are already overloaded by international traffic”, Riley says.

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