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Poland Will Demand Gas Price Decrease from Russia

Thursday, 02 November 2017 16:46

The Polish oil and gas company PGNiG starts negotiations on decreasing the gas price with Gazrpom OJSC and its subsidiary Gazprom Export, according to PGNiG’s statement, Ukrinform reports.

“PGNiG continues participating in the arbitration process in Stockholm Court against Gazprom and Gazprom Export on the case of negotiations regarding the change of natural gas price, which is effective from November 1, 2014, under the natural gas sale and purchase agreement, signed with Poland in 1996”, as reported in PGNiG’s statement.

It is noted that the ruling on this arbitration is anticipated within several next months. The process itself delayed due to the arbitrator’s illness, assigned by Gazprom and Gazprom Export.

“Independently from this proceeding, on November 1, 2017, PGNiG filed an application to Gazprom and Gazprom Export about the beginning of a new next negotiation process regarding the change of price of the gas, supplied from November 1, 2017, under the long-term contract”, according to the statement of the Polish company.

As the agency previously reported, the Polish oil and gas company PGNiG signed the agreement with Ukrtransgas PJSC about the approach to Ukrainian gas storages. A new contract will enable the company to use underground gas storages on the territory of Ukraine.

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