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Gazprom Will Postpone Construction of Nord Stream 2

Thursday, 09 November 2017 16:12

The beginning of construction of Nord Stream 2 will be postponed due to objections from Denmark, which prepares amendments, closing Danish territorial waters for the project, Paul Corcoran, CFO of Nord Stream 2 AG, registered in Switzerland, told at the gas conference in Milan on Wednesday, ET reports.

According to him, the Danish parliament is preparing the draft law, which will become an obstacle for construction. It will extend the list of reasons, for which the Danish government may deny to permit the construction in their territorial waters: the ecological risks will be supplemented by national security concerns.

As EuroObserver reports, both Danish government and main opposition parties support the draft law. It will be approved in November and will come into force in January 2018.

In this case, they will have to change the route. Instead of territorial waters of Denmark, they will have to lay the pipe in its exclusive economic zone.

According to Corcoran, it “will become the reason for postponement” as well as “will increase cost of the project”.

As reported, Russian Gazprom’s construction of a new gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 through the Baltic Sea will cause significant damages to Ukraine, amounting to 3% of GDP.

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